This relates to the Mathematics Department: there is also general information on the UCL website.
At the start of session you will have been given a form setting out the
Department's normal procedures in relation to your rights under
the Data Protection Act. If you have agreed to the Department administering
your student career in the way described, you will have signed the form;
if not, you will have discussed the matter with the Departmental Tutor,
and alternative arrangements will have been made. The normal procedures
specified on the form are as follows:
Photographs: (i) We will take a photo of you, which may be stored digitally; these photos may be displayed in the students common room, Room 502 on the 5th floor, for ease of identification. (ii) We may also wish to display photographs of departmental activities to publicise these. (iii) The Department maintains its own webpages; we may wish to publish student names and e-mail addresses here. We may also wish to publish the names of those students who are awarded a prize on the departmental website.
Academic procedures: (i) Marked written work will be put out for collection in the relevant lecture or left at a collection point in the main Department office or returned to your student pigeonhole in room 502. (ii) Provisional examination and Degree Results will be displayed on the 5th floor noticeboard by candidate number only.
References: References will be provided to companies and educational institutions during your time of study here and for two years afterwards without specific permission from you. If you require references after this time, you will need to contact the referee. (Also see section on References)