
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


FPGTC Mins 2011-12

Minutes of meeting on 24 November

APPENDIX 1 - Constitution and 2011-12 membership of the Committee

APPENDIX 2 - Terms of reference of the Committee

APPENDIX 3 - Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2011

APPENDIX 4 - A report on Research Degrees Committees on 14 June and 13 October

APPENDIX 5 - Report from Research Degrees Committee Working Group on Thesis Committees

APPENDIX 6 - Report on meetings of Academic Committee on 7 July and 20 October and Education Committee on 6 July and 14 October

APPENDIX 7 - QMEC report to Academic Committee on Faculty Summaries of Annual Monitoring Reports in 2010/11

APPENDIX 8 - QMEC report to Academic Committee on Proceedings of Faculty Teaching Committees in 2010/11

Documents relating to MSc in Financial Mathematics:

MSc Financial Mathematics PIQ Document 1/3

MSc Financial Mathematics PIQ Document 2/3

MSc Financial Mathematics PIQ Document 3/3

MSc Financial Mathematics Scheme of Award

Minutes of meeting on 15 March

APPENDIX 1 - Report from UCL Careers Service

APPENDIX 2 - MAPS Postgraduate Research submission summary for Research Degrees Committee

APPENDIX 3 - MAPS Research Student Log Uptake Report

APPENDIX 4 - Faculty Annual Monitoring Report and Student Evaluation Questionnaire Faculty Summary


Tabled handout 1: information from Research Degrees Committee

Tabled handout 2: information from Academic Committee and Education Committee

Tabled handout 3: information from UCL Board of Examiners

Minutes of meeting on 24 May

APPENDIX 1 - Proposal to re-instate MECHG020 as a core course on MSc Materials for Energy and the Environment

APPENDIX 2 - Draft Faculty Teaching and Learning Strategy