
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Making Your Way in Innovation & Enterprise at UCL

29 July 2020, 12:00 pm–1:30 pm

Glass buildings by the Thames Riverside

Learn about innovation and enterprise or extend your activity with this comprehensive lunchtime information session suitable for all academics.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Dr Candice Keane

Are you thinking about recruiting partners for upcoming programmes? Exploring how you might undertake consulting? Working to get the UK up and running again after covid19? Join one of our three July sessions.

In the session (lunchtime edition--bring your own) we present the big picture for innovation and enterprise, highlighting the UCL support system and showing some thumbnail case studies from the arts, science, technology and social sciences. You’ll learn about what to consider in undertaking activities such as consulting, commercialisation, or partnerships. The session touches on knowledge exchange (KE) funding, intellectual property (IP), and ethical concerns.

A few of the ways innovation and enterprise activity can help you include:

• Realising impact from your research, for example, improving community quality of life

• Applying your research discoveries through income-generating activity

• Developing your leadership through contribution to national and international media or policy

Whether you’ve got some experience or are just getting started, this session will equip you with an overview of common pathways, plus contacts and resources you need to move forward. Delivered through Microsoft Teams, the session lasts for about 1.5 hours and includes short interactive elements.

(Note: PhD students interested in innovation and enterprise should access entrepreneurship training here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/enterprise/students/develop-your-entrepreneurial-skills/entrepreneurship-training-doctoral-students)