
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Education Seminars & Events

Find links to upcoming seminars and discussion sessions and links to recordings of past events.

Recordings & Slides:

Recordings and slides from previous MAPS Education seminars can be found on the MAPS Teaching Interest Network (TIN) Moodle page (passkey: pedagogy).

Here is a list of Seminars and Events held in 2021/22 academic year:

Bridging the gap between Teaching and Learning through Discipline-based Education Research 

Dr Andrea Jimenez Dalmaroni, University of Cardiff 

Closing Awarding gaps in STEM and Chemistry with the help of an Inclusive Curriculum Framework

Dr Neil Williams, University of Kingston 

Internal MAPS Education Discussion: 'BAME Awarding Gap in MAPS: where we are and how do we close the gap?'  


Capturing and Cultivating Reasoning in Chemistry  

Dr Ginger Schulz, University of Michigan  

Designing Authentic Assessment 

Rich Osborne, MAPS Faculty Technology Learning Lead 

Workshop to explore Authentic Assessment 

Pete Fitch, MAPS Arena liaison  

An exploration of academic and professional staff perceptions of their positioning and impact on their workplace identities and relationships

Annabel Brown, Director of Education and Student Experience, Bartlett UCL