
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Strategy & Projects

Our strategy addresses education design, delivery and assessment, while ensuring equality of opportunity for all students in the faculty. We aim to work together to develop a forward-looking, blended education and develop an evidence-base for what works.

Our specific aims are:

  • To support departments in developing and maintaining programmes that reflect the UCL Foundations of Excellence in Education and Student Experience
  • To embed evidence-based pedagogical approaches within all programmes, using and learning from best practice in the sector.
  • To promote partnership in education design and delivery: professional services + academic staff; student + staff; early career + experienced staff; faculty + department.  
  • To employ authentic, innovative and fair assessment methods within all programmes, ensuring diversity of assessment types.  
  • To ensure equality of opportunity for all students, through effective education and assessment design and fostering a sense of belonging from induction until graduation.  

We are expanding our strategies and projects to meet the needs of the Faculty and Departments.

Ongoing Projects: 

Inclusive Assessment

MAPS Feedback and Assessment projects

As part of our Faculty Education Plans (FEP), we have in recent years established baselines and actions to improve student satisfaction with Assessment and Feedback within our departments.

Find out some of the support the MAPS faculty students can expect to receive when preparing for their exams.

Supporting Academic Integrity in MAPS

One of the priority areas of our FEP this year is to support our departments in instilling the principles of Academic Integrity in their students.

A picture of some documentation regarding equality and diversity

Addressing the Expectation Gap

Students have certain expectations of university education that are sometimes different to reality and also different to what academic staff expect of students.

FeedbackFruits Logo

Peer Feedback Project

This academic year MAPS will be piloting an improved Peer Feedback tool which uses generative AI to help scaffold the experience for students.


UCL Education Strategy 2016-21
UCL's five-year strategy for improving education and enhancing the student experience has been created in collaboration with the UCL community.

UCL Arena
A scheme of awards accredited by the Higher Education Academy giving teaching and support staff nationally recognised fellowships.

General Enquires
For any support or questions, please reach out to us on: