The UCL Data Audit Framework pilot implementation project (UCL DAF) aims to test the Data Audit Framework methodology, which has been developed for auditing research assets in Higher Education Institutions. The development of the DAF methodology has been led by the Humanities Advanced Technology and Informationl Institute (HATII) in conjunction with the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) supported with JISC funding.
The aims of the UCL DAF project are to contribute to the iterative development of the Data Audit Framework and collate information about the research assets generated, held and managed by academic and research staff at UCL. In particular, the objectives are:
- explore the implementation of the methodology developed by the Data Audit Framework Development project for auditing research assets at Higher Education Institutes
- document, discuss and report issues and lessons learned of the pilot implementation with the members of DAFD and the other pilot implementation projects
- collate information about research assets and data management practices at designated departments/centres/institutes at UCL and
- share the findings with the academic community and beyond.