
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

Selection criteria
Scientific excellence will be our main criteria for selecting participants to give talks. In addition to the overarching criteria of scientific excellence, we will ensure an even gender balance, representation of early career scientists and geographic distribution when we make our final selection.
Promoting interaction
The unique location of this meeting in the city center of Trieste with a room, adjacent to the lecture theater, for posters and refreshments, will promote its intimate nature. All participants will be housed centrally, within walking distance of the conference center. Open discussion time after each talk will ensure that the oral presentations are discussed thoroughly and everyone has a chance to contribute. Two early afternoon 2-hour poster sessions will allow in-depth discussion of posters. We have also made sure that there are sufficient break times and social times, to foster informal interactions.
In addition, we will encourage ‘vertical mobility’ (student-postdoc-PI interactions), by arranging dinner seating, organizing flash poster presentations, awarding poster prizes selected by PIs and organizing lunch with the speakers.
Fibroblasts in culture
Image credit: Acton Lab