Zebrafish Facility
Location | Anatomy Building
Contact details | Heather Callaway h.callaway@ucl.ac.uk
Sea Urchins
Location | Medical Sciences Building
Contact details | David Brennan david.brennan@ucl.ac.uk
Insect Constant Temperature Rooms
The Darwin constant temperature rooms offer a controlled and stable environment for insect models. These rooms are carefully maintained at specific temperatures and humidity levels to ensure consistent conditions. The primary insect species housed in these rooms include Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) and species from the Diopsidae family (stalk-eyed flies).
Location | Darwin and LMCB Building
Contact details | Bethany Wallis (Biosciences) beth.wallis@ucl.ac.uk and Valentina Senatore (LMCB) v.senatore@ucl.ac.uk
Neurobiological Research Facility
The Neurobiological Research Facility (NRF) comprises of dedicated, state-of-the-art facilities designed to give animals the best care possible – both for the animals’ wellbeing and to ensure that excellent science can be delivered.
Location | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre Building
Contact details | Sean Murphy s.murphy@ucl.ac.uk
Aquatic Research Facility
The Aquatics Research Facility (ARF) has been recently established within the SWC to provide crustaceans for research within the Margrie and Branco lab.
Location | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre Building
Contact details | Joe Higgins joe.higgins@ucl.ac.uk