Philanthropic support from our alumni and friends helps the Faculty of Life Sciences achieve its goals and maintain UCL's position as a leading global university.
The university experience shapes not only careers and opportunities in professional lives but also brings new friendships and interests.
There are a number of ways in which you can support UCL Faculty of Life Sciences and leave a lasting legacy.
Make a donation to the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences
FLS Alumni Summer Studentship
Supporting scholarships at UCL is a powerful way to ‘pass the baton of opportunity’ to the next generation of students. With your help, we can open our doors to a wider range of people, and make sure the pathway to opportunity reaches beyond our walls, into local, national and global spheres, and into areas under-represented in higher education. This in turn means brilliant minds of all kinds have a stake in shaping our future.
The FLS Alumni Summer Studentship scheme is offered through the generosity of our Alumni. The scheme offers undergraduates with an interest in research the opportunity to spend up to eight weeks in a FLS research laboratory. Donate today to support a student. Your contribution is very much appreciated.