Opening hours, location and subject coverage of the libraries of UCL Library Services.

Bartlett Library
Architecture and Town Planning.

Cruciform Hub
General Clinical and Medical Sciences.

Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health Library
Allied Health, International Child Health, Paediatrics and Paediatric Nursing.

Institute of Archaeology Library
Archaeology and Egyptology.

Institute of Orthopaedics Library
Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences.

IOE Library
Education and related areas of social science.

The Joint Library of Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital & UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
Biomedicine, Medicine, Nursing, Ophthalmology and Visual Science.

Language & Speech Science Library
(NICeST: National Information Centre for Speech/language Therapy), Audiology, Communication Disorders, Linguistics & Phonetics, Special Education, Speech & Language Therapy and Voice.

Main Library
Art, Economics, English, History, Humanities, Law, Modern Languages, Philosophy and Public Policy.

Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Queen Square Library
Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Royal Free Hospital Medical Library
General Clinical and Medical Sciences.

School of Pharmacy Library
Biomedicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacognosy & Pharmacology.

School of Slavonic and East European Studies Library
Bibliography of Eastern Europe, Economics, Geography, History, Languages, Literature and Politics.

Science Library
Anthropology, Engineering, Geography, Life Sciences, Management, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Special Collections
Medieval period to present day. Wide range of subject areas.

Student Centre
Provides 1000 study spaces, including spaces for individual study and group working/project working.

UCL East Library
Study facilities, services, and access to staff support for students living and studying at the UCL East campus.

Whittington Health Library
Allied Health, Medicine and Nursing.