
Library Services


Flaxman Gallery, Oculus and new exhibition gallery

A stunning new glass pedestal was planned for construction in the Flaxman Gallery in summer 2012.

Images of the Flaxman Gallery and Oculus

One of the UCL Masterplan's first major schemes to be implemented, the project opened up visual links between the dome, the Main Library, and a new exhibition space in the Octagon at ground floor level. Readers are also now able to plug in their laptops on the new circular bench.

UCL Estates worked with Library Services and other departments to minimize disruption. The statue of St Michael was due to be removed, temporarily, during the Easter closure period. Hoardings went up after Easter, and building works were completed by the start of the 2012-13 academic year.

Video - Building works in the Flaxman Gallery 

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwMcVc6XSKE


Flaxman Gallery

Building works in the Flaxman Gallery were scheduled for the following dates/times:

  • Library Easter closure from 5/4/12 to 11/4/12 - Temporary relocation of St Michael near to Jewish Studies staircase and hoarding-up of the area aro und the circular bench
  • Weekend nights 9pm to 11am - Opening up work
  • Weekday early mornings 4 am - 8 am from 10/4/12 to 27/5/12 - Opening up work
  • No noisy works permitted outside of these hours from 10/4/12 until 3/6/12
  • Commencement of 8am - 5pm Site Hours from 4/6/12 until 28/9/12

Access across the Flaxman Gallery was retained throughout the duration of this project. 

See also: