Critical appraisal of a randomised controlled trial
08 December 2017, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Room 417, 4th floor, Science Library, DMS Watson Building, DMS Watson Building, Malet Place, UCL, WC1E 6BT
This session is part of the Doctoral School Skills Development programme and is open to postgraduate research students at UCL only. To book a place please login via the programme website.
If you are interested in this session but cannot make the date or are not a postgraduate research student, please contact to arrange a session.
This session will include an introduction to critical appraisal skills and a brief recap of the key study design elements of randomised controlled trials. This will be followed by a practical appraisal of an RCT using a validated appraisal checklist.
By the end of the session attendees will:
- Be able to explain the importance of critically appraising articles and what the process involves.
- Be able to select the appropriate CASP checklist to use to appraise different study designs
- Have experience of critically appraising a randomised controlled trial using a CASP checklist