
Library Services


Response times

How quickly did we respond to your queries and how did we do?

Responding to your feedback

We're always happy to hear your feedback on our services, and we welcome suggestions for improvement. If you would like to provide feedback, please use our feedback form or visit our getting help and contacting us webpage for more information.

Please also see our Service Standards webpage for more detailed information on our recent performance.

How quickly did we respond to your online enquiries during the week?

From 01 January to 31 March 2024, 90% of online enquiries were responded to within one day.

How did you rate our response to your online enquiries?

96% of our responses to email or webform queries were rated good or excellent.

From 01 January to 31 March 2024, 88% of online responses were rated as excellent, 8% as good, 2% as so-so, and 2% were rated bad.

What have you said about our response to your online enquiries?

“Staff were incredibly helpful in accommodating an urgent request; fantastic service, thank you.”
“The staff I dealt with were knowledgeable, helpful, professional, and accommodating.”
“UCL Library and the librarians are always amazing.”
“Superb. The height of efficiency and courtesy.”

How quickly did we respond to your enquiries using Library Chat?

93% of live chat requests were acknowledged within 30 seconds.

From 01 January to 31 March 2024, 93% of chats were acknowledged within 30 seconds, 5% were acknowledged between 30 and 60 seconds, and 2% were acknowledged after more than 60 seconds.

How did you rate our response to your enquiries using Library Chat?

96% of our interactions with you via our live Library Chat service were rated good or excellent.

From 01 January to 31 March 2024, 85% of chats were rated as excellent, 11% as good, 3% as so-so, and 1% were rated bad.

What have you said about our Library Chat service?

“Professional, friendly, helpful, and fastidious!”

“Very helpful! Thank you so much!”

“Amazing support. Fast and reliable.”

“A very helpful and prompt service.”