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Exploring the Holocaust By Bullets
The Jewish Holocaust during WW2
Learning time
2 hours
Designed time
2 hours
Size of class
This learning scenario is theme-focused on the Jewish Holocaust during the WW2 in countries of Eastern Europe like Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus where the executions were implemented by bullets and with the locals having some part in the process orchestrated by Nazis. In the National curriculum of Greece the topic is mainly linked to the subject of history in 3rd grade of junior high school (9th grade internationally). The learning scenario was designed to be implemented with 15-16 years old students a few days before the 27th of January, the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Due to the pandemic blended learning is the mode of delivery and specifically the flipped classroom. The platform of the Yahad in Unum org is the resource used, where various kinds of historic sources (texts, pictures, video testimonies of witnesses, links etc) are archived from many countries, towns/villages and execution sites. This learning scenario aims for students through exploration to become tolerant towards the others that are different.
Mode of delivery
This learning scenario aims for students to explore the Holocaust by bullets during the WW2 by studying five case studies from Eastern Europe. Through working individually and in groups students will a) acquire historic knowledge about the Holocaust, b) develop their digital skills, c) improve their social skills in collaboration and presentation and d) become aware of diachronic global issues such as antisemitism as a form of racism and express their thoughts on the subject through social media posts.
Specify, Analyse, Compose, Write, Give feedback, Evaluate, Show awareness of

Timeline controls


At home - Activity planned for before in school learning 1. Initial assessment quiz
3 minutes)
  • Produce
    Each student answers a two open-ended questions quiz. 1st question: What is the most known way of Jews execution by the Nazis during WW2? 2nd question: Are you familiar with any other way(s) used? I so, state it/them. This activity is used to check prior historic knowledge and is also implemented as a warm-up engaging task.
Assessment of prior knowledge is NOT PRODUCTION but there was not an assessment selection for this kind of activity so this task was categorized there.
Resources linked: 0
At home - Activity planned for before in school learning 2. Explore the case studies
15 minutes)
  • Investigate
    A common google docs worksheet is shared online with all students containing the instructions and links for the next activity. Each student is assigned to one case study (5 case studies, 4 students per case). Students a) read the texts written on the right of the Yahad in Unum – The map of evidence platform for their case, b) watch the video with the witness' testimony about the Jews execution and c) take notes to complete the following tasks related to all the historical sources afterwards.
Resources linked: 0
At home - Activities planned for before in school learning 3. Comprehension check (two tasks)
7 minutes)
  • Produce
    Comprehension check (task 1) Students take individually a quiz that requires them to match each of the terms (shooting, arrest, looting, road, undressing) to the given definition for each step of the crime. The Jews are executed by bullets = The Jews are gathered to a place = The Jews take off their clothes before the killing = The clothes of the ones killed were taken by the executioners and their helpers = The Jews are transported to the killing site =
  • Produce
    Comprehension check (task 2) Students take individually a quiz that requires them to put the five steps of the crime of the Jews execution in the right order (road, looting, shooting, arrest, undressing). 1st step = 2d step = 3rd step = 4th step = 5th step =
Assessment of understanding is NOT PRODUCTION but there was not an assessment selection for this kind of activity so this task was categorized there.
Resources linked: 0
Class Day - Activities planned for in school learning 1. Case studies presentation and dissemination
65 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    Students work in 4-member groups with the same case study. They collaborate to create a 3 to 4 min digital video presentation per team on the Holocaust by bullets on the given case using Canva web designing tool. The following questions about each group's case can be part of the presentation. 1. Where is the village or town located (country, nearby city)? 2. What was its population before the war as far the Jews are concerned? 3. When did the Germans occupy the village/town? 4. When did the executions take place? 5. How many execution sites were there? 6. How many Jews were executed there? 7. Who did the shootings, the Germans, the locals, both? 8. The witness whose testimony you watched was a) forced to watch, b) by chance passing by, c) working with the Germans (willingly or not)? 9. How many were the steps of the crime? 10. What were the steps of the crime?
  • Produce
    One member of each of the five groups presents their digital videos to the whole class.
  • Discuss
    Students provide feedback for each video (content, language, layout) and discuss about the common details of the cases (the five step process, the people involved, the timeline).
  • Produce
    After alterations on the videos, if needed, each video is uploaded asynchronously on the school blog for dissemination purposes.
Resources linked: 0
Class Day - Activities planned for in school learning 2. Awareness Twitter posts
20 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    To raise awareness on the issue students work in the same groups to make per group a Twitter post (up to 280 characters max. with 1 to 4 pictures) of awareness on the 27th of January, the Holocaust Remembrance Day. During this task time is devoted to a) explore posting on Twitter social media platform, if some students are unfamiliar with it, b) to secure the respect on CC licenses for pictures to be used online and to c) edit their draft and finalize the post after generating fake posts using fake tweet generator web tool.
Resources linked: 0
At home - Activities planned for after in school learning Assessment and Evaluation
10 minutes)
  • Produce
    On the 27th of January, the Holocaust Remembrance Day, each group posts their tweet online asynchronously with the hashtags # HolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustByBullets. Afterwards every member that wants to can retweet or qretweet, like, comment on the post on the social media platform.
  • Produce
    Self-assessment (in terms of knowledge acquired, skills acquired in every activity, participation and collaboration for each group effort), peer-assessment (in terms of participation and collaboration and the final products for each activity) and lesson evaluation (3 things they learned -2 things they found interesting -1 they want to work more on) is provided online, asynchronously and individually by each student.
Assessment is done by the teacher as well and formative through each stage/task and summative at the end. Assessment and evaluation is NOT PRODUCTION but there was not an assessment selection for this kind of activity so this task was categorized there.
Resources linked: 0

Learning Experience

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