Design properties

Around Porto in English
Interviewing Tourists
Learning time
Designed time
9 hours and 5 minutes
Size of class
28 in groups of 4
Students will create a wall chart in school about the city of Porto where the results of the interviews they will make to tourists will also be present. This project should also be shared on an online platform (Padlet, Tackk, Spark.Adobe...)
• to enlarge knowledge about Porto . develop fluency in speaking • to practise language by asking for information • to analyse data • to draw up the conclusions in a panel
Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Affective learning outcomes

Timeline controls


15 minutes)
  • Discuss
    Teacher presents the project. Students are studying in the second largest city of the country, which is being "invaded" by tourists. Students will have the chance to know more about the city and get to know why tourists choose Porto for a break in our country. This question is also done to students and their suggestions are written on the board. The aim of the project (the construction of the wall chart) is explained to students who also receive the project rubric. Class is then divided in groups of 4. Teacher gives students the chance of choosing the partners they want to work with but aks students to try to make heterogeneous groups.
This project may be challenging because it will be created by students from the beginning.
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Preparing the interview
50 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    Each group will have to write at least 6 questions that they would like to ask the tourists.
  • Discuss
    The information from all the groups is gathered on the board. The best options are chosen by voting and a final questionnaire written on the board. This is the questionnaire that is going to be used with tourists. The questions will probably be similar to these ones: Why did you choose Porto? How many days are you going to stay? Which means of transport did you use to get in here? What was your favourite spot until this moment?...
Students will be advised not to write open answer questions
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Interviewing tourists
120 minutes)
  • Practice
    Students are now going to leave school and interview the tourists for the next 2 hours. Before doing this, students have prepared a text to be used when approaching the tourists and a way to thank them at the end. If possible, photos should be taken but only with people’s consent. Teacher will supervise the interviews at random.
Students have with them the interview's rubric
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Analysing data
210 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    Now students are going to analyse the results of the interviews and gather the information (results) collected. The leader of each group writes the results of each group on the board. Once this task is done by all the groups, we will get the final results that are the ones we need to prepare the graphs for the wall chart.
  • Investigate
    Once all the data is on the board, class meets again in groups and new themes are distributed by the groups Themes Number of groups Description of the activity 1 Descriptive text about the History of Porto 2 Description of the surroundings where the interviews took place 2 Creation of the graphs with the results from the interview 2 Students will now look for information about their topics on the internet or in books from the school library, thus gathering the material they need to write their texts that will be an important part of the panel. Two groups will work on the creation of the graphs (Excel) with the results of the interviews to the tourists. (these are the results that have been written on the board by all the groups)
  • Produce
    Students will now write their texts based on the information previously collected. Teacher goes around the class and gives feedback.
All the groups provided input for the graphs
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Choosing the texts for the wall chart
60 minutes)
  • Read Watch Listen
    Each speaker of the groups presents the texts and graphs previously done. The class chooses the best texts by voting (notice that for each theme there were 2 groups working on it). Once the texts are chosen, students also start to share their material on the online platform they have chosen and created for this project (Tackk, Spark Adobe, Padlet...)
On the online platform will be all the texts/ graphs created by the students and not only the ones that have won through voting. It's a way of giving value to the work of all.
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Constructing the wall chart. Showing the project to school community
60 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    By this time, the final texts and graphs have been previously printed and will now be ready to be glued to the wall chart that will be set in the school bar, thus giving the school community the chance of seeing it.
The project is finally showed.
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Self assessment/ Peer assessment
30 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    Students will now do their self-assessment and peer assessment
Students fill in their assessment
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Learning Experience

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Social learning graph will not display correctly, because one or more learning types do not have group size set.