Design properties
- Name
- Pirates and piracy
- Topic
- history, culture, storytelling, creative writing, EFL, esafety (ICT)
- Learning time
- 19 hours and 30 minutes
- Designed time
- 19 hours and 30 minutes
- Size of class
- 30 - 12 year olds.
- Description
- students will analyse piracy and pirates, both in terms of classical pirates and cyber pirates. They will also create stories and act them out.
- Mode of delivery
- Classroom-based
- Aims
- to raise awareness about cyber security to increase their fluency in English and acquire basic words/phrases in other languages, not studied at school to improve their writing skills and encourage creativity to encourage collaboration between team members and also with the partner schools from Europe (if turned into an etwinning project) to foster creativity, collaboration, communication, expressing an argument,negotiation, tolerance
- Outcomes
- Find out/discover famous pirates back in the day and now (cyber pirates)
- Illustrate pirate stories
- Write pirate stories, but also stories about internet safety
- Give feedback to the stories written by their classmates (and by their european partners)
- Show awareness of internet safety, cyber piracy and cyber bullying
- Recognise cyberstalking, means of protection and prevention against cybertheft and viruses
- Give arguments for and against the use of social media
- Reflect reflect on their digital footprint
- Write about a week in the life of a person who was a victim of a cybercrime to raise awareness for themselves and the others
- Editor
- loreuab
Timeline controls
Let's present ourselves
305 minutes)
Read Watch Listen6030Students research about famous pirates back in the day. They pay attention to appearance, ships, valuable items that they looted.
Discuss5030 - 12 year olds.In groups of 6 students discuss how to present themselves using a pirate story. They decide on their pirate names, looks, outfits and background of the story (time and space)
Collaborate9030In teams, the students start creating a pirate story to introduce themselves, deciding on a moral of the story, open ending, timeline, number of scenes, number of characters.
Produce6030They write down the story. Then they decide if they want to read it/act it out, according to their level of confidence. They decide who reads what/ who is the narrator (they can take turn, if they want to act it out).
Practice4530they act out the story/ create an audio recording of it or a video recording and upload the result on the twinspace
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Getting to know the other pirate teams
155 minutes)
Read Watch Listen6030They listen to/read the presentations of the other students from their partner countries and ask questions.
Discuss2530offer feedback to the other stories by commenting on them via Tricider, on menti or adding audio comments in the Voicethread.
Collaborate3530In teams they offer alternative endings for the stories one other team presented. We use wheeldecide to randomise which team writes to wrhich story.
Produce3530Each team designates one member to upload the story of their teams and the one whose ending they rewrote to a common e-book by creating a .pdf of the two stories. the teacher will then combine all the pdfs and use joomag to publish the ebook and share it with the parents and other classes.
Resources linked: 0
Famous pirates
245 minutes)
Investigate4530in teams, the students research information about famous pirates back in the day.
Discuss1530each team decides via chat or tricider what famous pirate to present.
Collaborate9030each team creates a glogster presenting their chosen pirate. alternatively they can recreate the pirate, entourage, environment in Minecraft.
Produce3530each team creates a kahoot/quizizz game about the information they presented in their glogster and post both of them on a Padlet or the twinspace if available.
Practice6030each team presents their glogster in class or online and they play the other teams' games and add their scores. the team which gathers the highest score after all the games (minus the one they created) is the winner.
Resources linked: 0
Modern day pirates
315 minutes)
Discuss3530In different teams, decided using wheeldecide again, students discuss about modern day pirates (cyber bullies, cyber pirates) internet safety
Investigate6030students research information on ways of increasing safety online and addressing internet bullies.
Discuss3518students discuss about copyright and test out the link offered by the teacher where they can find creative commons materials.
Collaborate9030in teams they brainstorm about creating a one minute video/animation on internet safety. they decide which ideas, which props, where to shoot, what they need and so on, who will play what part, who will film.
Produce6030each team produces a short video/animation/comic strip on internet safety, using videoscribe/powtoon and present it to the class (upload it on the twinspace if available)
Discuss3530they discuss all the videos/presentations and offer feedback/comments
Resources linked: 0
150 minutes)
Discuss3530in teams, they discuss what they have learnt as a team after working on this project. individually, each student writes in his reflective diary 3 things he/she has learnt, 3 areas they have improved in and 2 problems they have encountered and how they solved them.
Collaborate9030the entire class creates a rubric to evaluate the work on the project, both as teams and as individuals. if this is an etwinning project, then each team does the same and each students votes for the rubric they think is the best. if more rubrics have similar number of votes, they are each broken down into individual components which are then voted separately. the components with the highest number of votes make up the new rubric.
Produce2530students individually score each member of the team according to the rubric as well as score themselves, by writing what they did best and what they could have done better.
Resources linked: 0
Learning Experience
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