Sarah Wilkinson later Field (née Bond)

Country house

Adderbury House

Banbury (Oxfordshire)

Purchased 30th Nov -0001 | Occupied 1st Jan 1801 - 1st Jan 1826


Country house. The estate had been purchased according to the Victoria County History by 'J.E. Field' in the early 19th century, and the existing house substantially rebuilt by him in 1808. John Connor or Conner Field had married Sarah Wilkinson in 1801, when he was shown as of St Mildred Poultry and she of Adderbury, implying that she rather than he had perhaps purchased the estate.

No notes

Further Information

Details of modifications

'Early in the 19th century the estate was bought by J. E. Field, who in 1808 decided to pull down most of the building and convert it into 'a handsome dwelling suitable for a family of distinction'. Brewer described the result as a 'happy effort of architectural consistency and adaptation'. An early 19th-century drawing shows that all that remained of the central block was the south front, to which a central doorway and porch were added. Two of the first-floor windows were cut down and provided with iron balconies. The house was bought by W. H. Chamberlin in 1826, but it was not until J. W. Larnach became its owner in 1891 that it was enlarged to its present dimensions. Larnach built additional accommodation to the north of the existing house, and added the pedimented projection in the centre of the south front, together with its Ionic portico. Though corresponding exactly to the style of the 18th-century work, the present east and west elevations are due entirely to Larnach. In 1948 the Oxfordshire County Council acquired the house and grounds for use as an Old People's Home'.

'Parishes: Adderbury', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 9, Bloxham Hundred, ed. Mary D Lobel and Alan Crossley (London, 1969), pp. 5-44 [accessed 2 June 2015]..