Sarah Chandler

???? - 1793


Wife of George Chandler (1721-1779). Neither her own will nor that of her husband mentions any children of the couple so they presumably died sine prole. Inherited Seven Plantations estate in Clarendon Jamaica after the death of her husband in 1779 and bequeathed it to her nephew George Gascoyne (subsequently Chandler) upon her death in 1793.


PROB 11/1055/59. PROB 11/1234/190.

Further Information

George Chandler

Will of Sarah Chandler of Sunbury, Middlesex, widow.

Payment of all the just debts of my late husband George Chandler Esquire and also my own.

To George Gascoyne, youngest son of Joseph Gascoyne, late of Barking in Essex Esquire, and Duncan Davidson of London, merchant, £5000 upon trust to invest in Government or [?] securities at interest in their names, the interest and dividends to be paid to Elizabeth Ffrancis, wife of Philip Ffrancis Esquire for her sole and separate use and not subject to the debts, power or control of Philip Ffrancis or any future husband...

To Martha Babington, daughter of Mr [?] £500.

To Rev. Mr Nicholson of Sunbury £100.

To Mary Gascoyne, daughter of Joseph Gascoyne £5000.

To Joseph Gascoyne junior and Sabine Gascoyne his brother, £1000 each.

To Duncan Davidson, Mrs Davidson his wife and to each of their three children £100 guineas each for a ring.

To my goddaughter Sarah Chandler Davidson by best diamond ear-rings with single drops.

To Anne [?]oyd and Mary Chandler both of Gosport, widow, an annuity of £20 p.a. each

To Richard Pink, my late husband's servant and to Elizabeth Priest and Margaret Smith now living with me £200 each and an annuity of £10 p.a. each.

To my [?] Maid all my wearing apparel of every sort.

To each of my yearly servants except those before named £20 each.

To each of my weekly labourers 5 guineas each.

As to all my freehold and copyhod estates in the Kingdom of Great Britian and also as to all my plantations Negroes Stock Goods Chattels and [?] thereto belonging in the Island of Jamaica or elsewhere and likewise and to all the rest and residue of my personal estate after payment of my just debts and funeral expenses and legacies I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto and to the use of the said George Gascoyne his heirs executors administrators and assignees upon this express condition nevertheless that the said George Gascoyne do and shall upon his being intitled to my said Estates plantations and premises take upon himself the surname of Chandler only being my will and particular desire that the said George Gascoyne and his descendants be from thence forth called by that surname only....

George Gascoyne and Duncan Davidson to be executors.

Signed 02/03/1789.


To Elizabeth Priest £20 p.a.

To Robert Hopton my footman and Joseph Hall my coachman £50 each.

To Sarah Burt the younger, Robert Milligan and Sarah Pink my godchildren £100 each.

To Mrs Mary Fontayne daughter of the late Mr Trent £200.

To Mary Smith my late housekeeper £200 and an annuity of £20 p.a. and if her mother should survive her, then £10 p.a. to her mother.

I revoke the several legacies by my said will given to my goddaughter Sarah Chandler Davidson, Henry Davidson and Justina Davidson and instead thereof give to the said Sarah Chandler Davidson £1000, Henry Davidson £500 and Justina Davidson £500.

To Charles Gr[?] of Ff[?] Buildings £100.

To Joseph Gascoyne senior £100.

To Joseph Gascoyne junior and Sabine Gascoyne £1000 each over and above the legacies given to them in my said will.

I revoke the legacy of £100 to the Reverend Mr. Nicholson and also the legacies to the labourers.

I give to [?] Sanderson my hairdresser £50.

To Mrs Sarah Bennett of Twickenham £50.

To Mrs Williams of Rickmansworth £20 out of friendship.

To Mr Thomas Ryder of [?] 100 guineas out of friendship.

The beforementioned additional legacies I have been indured to give my fortune through the goodness of providence being considerably increased since the making of my said will.

Dated 13/06/1793.

Proved in London 10/07/1793.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1779 [SY] - 1793 [EY] → Owner

Bequeathed to Sarah Chandler by her husband George who died in 1779.

Relationships (10)

Wife → Husband
Other relatives
Notes →
Sarah was the wife of Mary's great uncle George...
Aunt → Nephew
Notes →
Sarah was married to Sabine's uncle George Chandler...
Aunt → Nephew
Notes →
Sarah was married to Rev. Dr. George Chandler's uncle George Chandler (1721-1779). Rev. Dr George Chandler was the main beneficiary of her...
Aunt → Niece
Notes →
Sarah was married to Mary's uncle George Chandler...
Aunt → Niece
Notes →
Sarah Chandler was married to Sarah Burt's uncle George Chandler...
Other relatives
Notes →
Sarah was the great-aunt of Charles's wife Sarah Lushington nee...
Other relatives
Notes →
Sarah Chandler was the great-aunt of Sarah Lushington....
Other relatives
Notes →
Sarah's husband George Chandler was Mary Harriet's...
Other relatives
Notes →
Sarah Chandler (d. 1793) was married to Sarah Chandler's (b. 1800) great-uncle George Chandler...

Addresses (1)

Sunbury, Middlesex, South-East England, England