Eardley/Endeavour Estate

Estate Details

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Associated People (5)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1809 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Receiver
1823 [EA] - → Receiver
1825 [EA] - → Owner
1826 [EA] - → Attorney

Associated Claims (2)

£2,200 12S 9D
£181 4S 2D

Estate Information (24)

What is this?

[Name] Endeavour  
[Crop] Sugar  

Plotted In Hanover as a sugar estate with a cattle mill in James Robertson's 1804 map of Jamaica.

To the King's most excellent Majesty, this map of the island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys. . . (London, J. Robertson, 1804), based on Robertson's survey of the county of Cornwall which he compeleted in 1799.
[Number of enslaved people] 193(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 157  

Registered to Mary Laurence.

Jamaica Almanac (1811) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/AL11Hanov.htm. The 1811 almanac was based on the givings-in of the March Quarter for 1810, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 202(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 66  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1812) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/a1812co2.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 194(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 135  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1816) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/AL15hano.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 172(Tot) 95(F) 77(M)  
[Name] Endeavour Estate  

In the possession of Frederick Burt Zincke Esquire as receiver for Mary Lawrence.

T71/190 460-463
[Number of enslaved people] 182(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 169  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1818) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/1818al15.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 174(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 180  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1820) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/Al20p15.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 156(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Fras. B. Zincke as receiver for Mary Lawrence.

T71/191 371-372
[Number of enslaved people] 168(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 181  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1821) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/al1821_11.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 172(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 59  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1822) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/Al22p15.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 163(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 121  

Registered to Mary Lawrence.

Jamaica Almanac (1824) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/AL24hano.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 12(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Mary Lawrence as owner. Previous registration was for 10 enslaved people.

T71/192 310
[Number of enslaved people] 150(Tot) 87(F) 63(M)  
[Name] Endeavour  

In the possession of John Campbell as receiver.

T71/192 43
[Number of enslaved people] 146(Tot)  
[Name] Endeavour  
[Stock] 115  

Registered to F. B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1826) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/1826al17.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 148(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley  
[Stock] 30  

Registered to Frederick B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1827) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/a1827al12.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 146(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of James Guthrie Esq. as attorney to Frederick Burt Zincke Esq. owner. "By purchase from the Estate of Mary Lawrence on 15th October 1825. Enrolled last return by John Campbell Esq. as receiver."

T71/193 103-108
[Number of enslaved people] 148(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley  
[Stock] 41  

Registered to Frederick B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1828) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/1828al17.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 144(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley  
[Stock] 47  

Registered to Frederick B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1829) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/al29hano.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 132(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Frederick Burt Zincke as owner.

T71/197 102
[Number of enslaved people] 145(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley  
[Stock] 30  

Registered to Frederick B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1831) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/1831hano.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 150(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley  
[Stock] 60  

Registered to Frederick B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1832) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/al32hano.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 200(Tot)  
[Name] Eardley Etate  
[Stock] 60  

Registered to F. B. Zincke.

Jamaica Almanac (1833) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/AL33Hanov.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 123(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Frederick Burt Zincke as owner.

T71/199 290
[Name] Edeavour [sic]  
[Size] 73  

Registered to John Croll.

Jamaica Almanac (1840) transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Samples/AL40Hanover.htm. The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.