Nicholas Salisbury

Partnership Role

Williams and Wilson
Name partner

General overseas merchant?

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Dissolution of partnership subsisting between Mayson Wilson, Nicholas Salisbury and Fleetwood Williams as brokers under firm of Wilson, Salisbury and Co. 30th June last [1809]

  2. Commission of bankruptcy against Roger Hesketh Fleetwood Williams of Liverpool, together with Mayson Wilson of Liverpool and Birch Harrison of the Island of Nevis trading under the firm of Williams and Wilson [a commission of bankruptcy against both the men dated 14/12/1810 quickly  followed]  

  3. The bankruptcy process lasted for 50 years: the 9th dividend was declared in 1861 by the then official assignee Geo. J. Graham

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 16273 8/7/1809 p. 1071

  2. London Gazette 16432 4/12/1810 p. 1952

  3. London Gazette 22478 8/2/1861 p. 543