Nevis 13 (The Whim)

19th Apr 1839 | 106 Enslaved | £1749 11s 5d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers. The ultimate destination of the compensation money is not yet clear.

T71/882: claim by Samuel W. Wattley as Receiver appointed by the Court of Chancery. Counterclaim by Thomas Budgen esq of Nutfield, Surrey, Lucretia Budgen, Cornelia Penelope Budgen spinsters of the same place and Danl Byam Matthew of St Kitts, trustee to the above, mortgagees for 500 years, £7000 principal money besides arrears of interest.


Further Information

Claim No.
The Whim

Associated Individuals (5)

Claimants in List E or Chancery cases (Trustee)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Mortgagee)

Associated Estates (1)