Shaping the world through impactful research Experts from UCL Laws develop insights relevant to the great challenges facing the world. New transcription technology makes handwritten historical documents readable online UCL research enables privacy-preserving COVID-19 tracing technology Shaping a better approach for UK environmental law Developing a clearer Sentencing Code New glossary developed in UCL hackathon to help the creative sector know its rights Developing transformative models for delivery of legal aid through health justice partnerships Empowering local communities to protect their environment Helping define the first Sustainable Development Goal target on access to civil justice Investigating and enhancing how the Family Court works for autistic people Leading healthcare and bioethics bodies Revealing and improving the judicial system Shaping law on, and giving a voice to, migrant domestic workers Image creditsTerrestrial desk globe - photo by Juliana Kozoski on Unsplash 'Court 3 of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom' © User:Colin via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA-4.0 Other photos © UCL Digital Media