
UCL Faculty of Laws


Resources for international engagement

Explore the global impact of Laws research and access resources to help support international engagement activities.

Resources for international engagement

UCL Public Policy, UCL European Institute and UCL Global Engagement have curated a range of resources to support and inform engagement between UCL researchers and the international policy community. Access resources and guidance on:

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Academic policy engagement in LMICs

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Engagement with the UN and Intergovernmental Organisations

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Informing EU policymaking as a researcher

Case studies

Explore case studies of how research and expertise from UCL Laws' academic community helps shape policy, and engage policymakers, across the globe

During 2020-22, Professor Eloise Scotford supported the UNEP to develop new models of air quality legislation globally.

UCL Laws research led by Dr Michael Veale underpinned the rapid development of privacy-preserving contact tracing apps for smartphones, which went on to be used globally.

Led by Dr Claudia Sternberg and Dr Uta Staiger (UCL European Institute), UCL Political Science created an MSc module offering an opportunity for students to pilot a new model of practice-led teaching.

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