Damages Claims for the Infringement of EU Competition Law
Ioannis Lianos, Peter Davis and Paolisa Nebbia
1 June 2015
Damages Claims for the Infringement of EU Competition Law addresses the current state of the law in the EU on damages claims for the infringement of EU competition law by combining a theoretical with a practical perspective.
- Published by Oxford University Press, 2015
About the authors
- Ioannis Lianos is Professor of Global Competition Law and Policy at UCL Laws. He is also the director of the UCL Centre for Law, Economics and Society, and executive director of the Jevons Institute for Competition Law and Economics.
- Peter Davis is Executive Vice President at Compass Lexecon, an economic consulting firm.
- Paolisa Nebbia currently works for DG Competition at the European Commission, having previously worked at the Italian Competition Authority.