Dr Anna Donovan publishes report with the Legal Services Board on regulating blockchain
23 October 2019
The report examines the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) by legal services providers.
Dr Anna Donovan, Lecturer at UCL Laws, has written a report examining the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) by legal services providers. The report was commissioned by the Legal Services Board as part of its broader research programme exploring the use of technology by the sector.
The report considers the potential impact of DLTs for the legal profession and suggests a number of considerations that legal services regulators may wish to consider when developing their approach to this technology. Speaking on the release of the report Dr Donovan noted that "the Legal Services Board has undertaken a wide-reaching programme of work to fully understand the potential opportunities (and challenges) that emerging technologies represent for the sector. I was delighted to contribute to this important project and look forward to ongoing conversations within the profession as to the impact of distributed ledger (and other) technologies moving forward."
Dr Donovan's report, 'Blockchain: Developing Regulatory Approaches for the Use of Technology in Legal Services' can be found here: https://www.legalservicesboard.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Blockchain-Developing-Regulatory-Approaches-for-the-Use-of-Technology-in-Legal-Services.pdf