
UCL Faculty of Laws


Professor Piet Eeckhout discusses Brexit withdrawal case on Newshour

11 December 2018

Professor Eeckhout spoke to BBC World Service about the recent ECJ ruling on Wightman and Others v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.

Piet Eeckhout

Professor Piet Eeckhout, Dean of UCL Laws and Academic Director of the UCL European Institute, was interviewed on Newshour about the implications of the European Court of Justice’s ruling that the UK can withdraw from exiting the EU without the permission of other member states. The ruling follows the opinion given last week by the advocate general of the ECJ.

Professor Eeckhout explained the significance of the ruling for staying in the EU; and the membership terms should the UK withdraw from Brexit. He also explained how the decision was made by the ECJ and what the ruling means for those for and against the UK leaving the EU.

Professor Eeckhout acted as legal adviser for the Wightman legal team, having written about the subject of revocability with Dr Eleni Frantziou (Durham University) in ‘Brexit and article 50 TEU: A constitutionalist reading’.

You can listen to Professor Eeckhout’s interview below (starts at 6:18).

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