
UCL Faculty of Laws


Strasbourg and Climate Change: Taking Stock

06 February 2025, 7:15 pm–8:15 pm

Natural environment inside a glass ball

Co-organised by the UCL Public International Law group, the Centre for Law and Environment, and the Institute for Human Rights

Event Information

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UCL Laws Events


Denys Holland Lecture Theatre, UCL Laws
Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens

Chair: Lord Sales (Supreme Court)
Speaker: Judge Tim Eicke (European Court of Human Rights)

About this talk

2024 saw the publication, by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, of its groundbreaking decisions and judgment in Carême, Duarte Agostinho et al and Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz, the submissions by Switzerland of its Action Report in relation to the execution of the latter judgment to the Committee of Ministers, and the continuation (with a view to completion by the end of 2024) of the work of the CDDH on the need for and feasibility of a further Council of Europe instrument or instruments on human rights and the environment. Elsewhere, oral hearings took place for two weeks before the International Court of Justice on Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change. In this talk, Tim Eicke, judge elected in respect of the U.K. on the ECtHR, will take stock of the state of play as we are approaching the first anniversary of the Grand Chamber decisions and judgments.

About the speaker

Judge Tim Eicke
Judge Tim Eicke is the UK’s judge to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). A dual British/German national he studied law at the University of Passau, Germany and the University of Dundee, United Kingdom, where he graduated with an LL.B. (Hons) in English law.  He became a Barrister in London in 1993, a Q.C. in 2011, a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn in 2014 and joined the ECtHR on 12 September 2016. He formerly served as Junior Counsel to the Crown as well as on the panel of counsel for the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. He was also long-time editor of the European Human Rights Reports.

Before taking up his current position he practised at Essex Court Chambers in the fields of public and constitutional law, human rights law, EU law and public international law and regularly appeared in the European Court of Justice, ECtHR as well as the domestic courts including the UK Supreme Court. He currently is a Member of the American Society of International Law and of the Public International Law Advisory Panel of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He holds an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD) from the University of Dundee (2017).


Arrival from 19:00
Lecture Starts at 19:15
Lecture ends at 20:15

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