
UCL Faculty of Laws


Hybrid | Preventing the ‘Wasting’ of Waste

04 July 2023, 4:15 pm–6:00 pm

Squashed cans littering the pavement

A PhD and LLM panel on various aspects of Waste Law hosted by UCL Faculty of Laws

Event Information

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UCL Laws

About this event

Within the context of the unsustainable global waste and resource crises, legal tools are needed as part of the urgent response. Waste law is an area of growing importance, evidenced by, for example, recognition of the role of minimising waste as part of climate action, the publication of the Routledge Handbook of Waste Studies in December 2021, and Circular Economy and the Law: Bringing Justice into the Frame in February 2023.

To reflect the importance of and interest in Waste Law, the Waste Law Reading Group (WLRG) was set up in 2021. The WLRG comprises early career waste law academics who focus on understanding of waste as a legal category across a variety of regimes and jurisdictions. The WLRG draws attention to waste as a central, complex and evolving matter which (re)defines and shifts conceptions of the legal order to include the effects on health, ecosystem degradation, and the perpetuation of injustices such as gender, racial, and settler colonial. The WLRG seeks to raise the profile of waste law, particularly among early career researchers (ECRs) and LLM students and the wider environmental law community, given waste law’s growing importance and emergence as a distinct field of study.

To this end, the Waste Law Workshop on Preventing the ‘Wasting’ of Waste will bring together a global network of predominantly ECR waste law academics to develop tools to advance the field of waste law in the UK and globally.

As part of this workshop, a panel of PhD and LLM taught post-graduate students will present their work on various aspects of waste law from different theoretical, empirical and doctrinal perspectives.


  • Opening Remarks by Professor Eloise Scotford, Dean of UCL Faculty of Laws
  • Chair’s Remarks by Dr Luka Štrubelj, Research Fellow in Environmental Law at the University of Oxford
  • PhD candidate presentations by:
  1. Garance Thomas, “How to do things with Bruno Latour: a proposal for waste law”
  2. Leonora Kleppa Stærfeldt, “Transnational Environmental Crime and the Regulation of E-Waste Flows through a Legal Infrastructure Lens”
  3. Manvi Kishore on behalf of Arnold Stanley and Manvi Kishore (online presentation), “The Need for Liability Regimes in Least Developed Countries – Has the Basel Convention made an impact on the Role of MNCs in Transboundary Shipment of Hazardous Waste?”
  4. Mikołaj Szafranski, “Twinned legal scripts of planned obsolescence”
  • Hybrid Question and Answer Session – moderated by Dr Luka Štrubelj
  • Concluding Remarks by Allison Lindner on behalf of the Waste Law Reading Group

Book your place

Photo by Dr Allison Lindner