
UCL Faculty of Laws


Decolonizing the Construction of Knowledge: Editing a Handbook on International Law of the Americas

01 November 2021, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

decolonising law

Professor Liliana Obregón, Universidad de los Andes

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UCL Laws Events

"Decolonizing the Construction of Knowledge: The Challenges of Editing a Handbook on International Law on the Americas" .
Professor Liliana Obregón, Universidad de los Andes.

Convenor: Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg.

About the speaker

Liliana Obregón is a professor of law and director of the LLM program in international law at the University of los Andes law school in Bogotá, Colombia. She received her first law degree (Abogada) from the same university; MA from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University, and doctoral degree (SJD) from Harvard University (Law School). She was a research scholar at the University of Helsinki from 2009 to 2012 working on a 19th Century history project under the direction of professors Martti Koskenniemi and Bo Strath; and has also been a research fellow at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Institutefor Global History, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Max Planck Institutes for Comparative and International Law in Heidelberg and European Legal History in Frankfurt. She is also on the academic advisory board of several journals including the Journal of the History of International  and the TWAIL Review .

 Professor Obregón  research focuses on international legal history and historiography,  ideologies of historical narratives, global and transnational intellectual history, with a particular interest in peripheral histories, colonialism and forgotten actors and events of 19th and 20th century Americas and Europe.  Recent publications include “Latin American Anti-Imperialist Movements and Anti-Communist States during the Bandung Era”, “Empire, Racial Capitalism and International Law: The Case of Manumitted Haiti and the Recognition Debt” and “Peripheral Histories of International Law.”  She is also co-editor of the future Oxford Handbook of International Law and the Americas (OHILA). 


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