2nd UCL | White & Case Brussels: Autumn Competition Law Conference
21 November 2019, 9:00 am–6:00 pm
The moving boundaries of competition law: emphasis on digital markets
Event Information
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UCL Laws Events
The HotelBoulevard de Waterloo 38Brussels1000Belgium
About the conference
A one-day conference organised by the UCL Centre for Law, Economics & Society with White & Case Brussels
on The moving boundaries of competition law: emphasis on digital markets
We live in interesting times for competition law. Competition enforcers, practitioners and academics all speak about the challenges of the digital markets and debate whether competition law enforcement has the appropriate tools to tackle the issues raised. Old doctrines and approaches are put into question and there is a great appetite for new thinking in competition law.
Following the successful first UCL/White & Case annual Brussels conference in 2018, this second conference aims to promote 'outside of the box' thinking. We will explore the following four challenges that raise important questions as to the moving boundaries of competition law in Europe, but also in other competition law systems. First, the interplay of competition and non-competition concerns becomes an important area of debate, in view of the calls to consider industrial policy, privacy and sustainability, among other, in competition law enforcement. Second, as a consequence of these broader concerns the way we conceptualise power may also change. What would be the new theory of power and metrics to develop? Third, the focus on vertical restraints becomes particularly important as fairness concerns put emphasis on value chains. Fourth, the appropriateness of the current enforcement framework and tools to provide effective remedies in the context of the fast moving digital economy.
Themes of the conference are:
- Competition and Non-competition concerns: rethinking the distinction
- Vertical restrictions in the digital economy: towards a new framework
- Rethinking power in competition law
- A new procedural framework for competition law in the digital economy
The speakers include:
- Andrea Amelio, DG Competition, European Commission
- Cristina Caffarra, CRA
- Victoria Daskalova, University of Twente [DOWNLOAD VICTORIA'S SLIDES]
- Pascale Deschamps, Oxera
- Felix Engelsing, Bundeskartellamt []
- Michal Gal, University of Haifa [DOWNLOAD MICHAEL'S SLIDES]
- Helen Jenkins, Oxera [DOWNLOAD HELEN'S SLIDES]
- Alfonso Lamadrid, Garrigues
- Šarūnas Keserauskas, Lithuanian Competition Council
- James Killick, White & Case [DOWNLOAD JAMES' SLIDES]
- Assimakis Komninos, White & Case
- Deni Mantzari, UCL Faculty of Laws
- Giorgio Monti, European University Institute
- Ulf Oberg, General Court of the European Union
- Jorge Padilla, Compass Lexecon / Barcelona Graduate School of Economics [DOWNLOAD JORGE'S SLIDES]
- Nicolas Petit, Université de Liège / Brussels School of Competition
- Rupprecht Podszun, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
- Patrick Rey, University of Toulouse
- Martijn Snoep, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets
- Jacques Steenbergen, Belgian Competition Authority
The moderators include:
- Sir Nicholas Forwood, White & Case / Brick Court Chambers
- Assimakis Komninos, White & Case / UCL
- Jacquelyn MacLennan, White & Case
- Denis Waelbroeck, Ashurst / Université Libre de Bruxelles
- View the Agenda and download the slides from the event
09:00 Registration 09.30 Welcome address
Deni Mantzari, UCL | Mark Gidley, White & CaseCompetition and Non-competition concerns: rethinking the distinction
Chair: Assimakis Komninos, White & Case / UCL09.15 Cristina Caffarra, CRA
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Lithuanian Competition Council
Nicolas Petit, Université de Liège / Brussels School of Competition
Giorgio Monti, European University Institute
Martijn Snoep, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets11.10 Coffee break Vertical restrictions in the digital economy: towards a new framework
Chair: Jacquelyn MacLennan, White & Case11:30 Andrea Amelio TBC, DG Competition, European Commission
Felix Engelsing, Bundeskartellamt - DOWNLOAD THE SLIDES
Michal Gal, University of Haifa -
Patrick Rey, University of Toulouse13:00 LUNCH Rethinking power in competition law
Chair: Denis Waelbroeck, Ashurst / Université Libre de Bruxelles14:15 Victoria Daskalova, University of Twente -
Helen Jenkins, Oxera -
James Killick, White & Case -
Jorge Padilla, Compass Lexecon / Barcelona Graduate School of Economics -16:00 Coffee Break A new procedural framework for competition law in the digital economy
Chair: Sir Nicholas Forwood, White & Case / Brick Court Chambers16:20 Ulf Oberg, General Court of the European Union
Alfonso Lamadrid, Garrigues
Deni Mantzari, UCL
Jacques Steenbergen, Belgian Competition Authority18:00 Conference ends
- The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review
- The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) was launched in 2017 by Lexxion publisher. It reports on key legislative developments in the EU and its Member States, and analyses important judgments that shape the field of EU competition and regulatory law, in particular those by the European Courts, international courts and tribunals, and higher national courts.
Visit our website for more information and a special 2-for-1 offer: www.lexxion.eu/core.