
UCL Faculty of Laws


Brexit and labour rights – challenges and perspectives

28 February 2017, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm


Event Information

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UCL Faculty of Laws


UCL Pearson G22 LT (UCL, Pearson Building, Gower Street, London WC1HE 6BT)

Speakers and commentators include

Professor Keith Ewing (Professor of Public Law at KCL, President of the Institute of Employment Rights)
Esther Lynch (ETUC Confederal Secretary)
Professor Colm O’Cinneide – (Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law at UCL)
Hannah Reed (TUC, Senior Employment Rights Officer)
Stephen Timms MP (Member of the SC on Exiting the European Union)
Professor Nicola Countouris (Professor of Labour Law and European Law at UCL)


Professor Mark Freedland (University of Oxford)

About this talk

As it is becoming increasingly clear that ‘Brexit really means Brexit’, a panel of distinguished speakers explores what Brexit would mean for labour rights. How are the rights of workers in the UK likely to be affected by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU? And how are the labour rights of British citizens working, on a temporary or permanent basis, in other EU countries likely to be shaped by Brexit? Finally how are EU labour rights likely to develop once the UK is no longer a Member State of the Union?