Reading the (per)happiness in felicific calculus: deconstructive tendencies in Bentham’s philosophy
11 March 2015, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
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UCL Bentham Project
Seminar Room 1, UCL Laws, Bentham House, WC1H 0EG
Lecture: Reading the (per)happiness in Felicific Calculus: Deconstructive tendencies in Bentham’s Philosophy of Language
Speaker: Dr Carolyn Shapiro (Falmouth University)
Series: UCL Bentham Project – Bentham Seminars
Admission: Free of charge and open to the public
Accreditation: This event is not accredited with CPD
For further information, please contact Phil Baker on 020 7679 1478 or email
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