Professor Richard Macrory co-edits book on Carbon Capture and Storage Law
19 March 2018

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is viewed by many as potential one of the most significant technologies dealing with greenhouse gas emissions. Critical to realising its potential is the design of effective legal regimes at national and international level that can handle the challenges raised but without stifling a new technology.
A second edition of Carbon Capture Storage – Emerging Legal and Regulatory Issues was published by Hart Publishing in February 2018. Edited by Prof. Richard Macrory, Ian Havercroft (formerly a researcher with UCL Centre for Law and the Environment and now with the Global Carbon Capture Storage Institute) and Prof. Richard Stewart of NYU Law School, the volume contains contributions from foremost experts on CCS law and regulation around the world. Subject matters include long term liability, issues of property ownership, public engagement, and international and EU dimensions. The book is destined to be the leading contemporary legal work on the subject.
Professor Macrory has also been appointed Consulting Editor to the new Halsburys Laws volume on Environmental Law. It is due to be published in 2019.