Reflections on nuisance and regulation
15 September 2014, 3:30 pm–6:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Centre for Law and Environment
Gower Street WC1E 6BT
15 September 2014, 3.30 – 6.30pm (drinks from 6.30).
Chaired by The Rt Hon The Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill and Professor Paul Mitchell (UCL).
The place of regulatory decisions in private nuisance is of enormous practical significance, for litigators, planners, businesses and communities. It also highlights broader, persistent questions about the relative roles of courts and administrative bodies in the generation and enforcement of appropriate social (including environmental) standards, and in the distribution of risks, opportunities, costs and benefits. In this seminar Maria Lee (UCL) will talk on Nuisance and the complexity of regulation; Eloise Scotford (Dickson Poon School of Law) on Private nuisance, regulation and the nature of property rights: an evolving legal story; Ben Pontin (University of the West of England) on The co-evolution of nuisance and environmental regulation; Jenny Steele (University of York) on “An unduly moralistic approach to disputes”? Monetary remedies for nuisance after Coventry v Lawrence; and Justine Thornton (39 Essex Street) on The role of public nuisance in environmental pollution control.