
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Meet our previous students

Our Pre-sessional students come from a diverse range of background and go on to study a variety of different graduate degrees at UCL. 99% of 2024 students are now studying on a UCL postgraduate degree.

We thought you’d like to hear about our courses from the people who know them best: our students.

In our most recent end of course questionnaire from 2024:  

  • 99% were satisfied with the quality of the course. 
  • 98% enjoyed studying on the course. 
  • 96% felt prepared to study on their UCL degree course. 
  • 95% felt the course challenged them to produce their best work. 



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YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/E4r8LY6KhT0


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Anqi Shi

From: China
Progressed to: Economy, State and Society: Politics and the International Economy MA
Year of study: 2024


Rodrigo Ignacio Oteiza Aravena

From: Chile
Progressed to: Information Studies MPhil/PhD
Year of study: 2024


Mingxin Yan

From: China
Progressed to: International Commercial Law LLM
Year of study: 2024


Hailin Zhu

From: China
Progressed to: Linguistics MA
Year of study: 2024


Warasit Watanapa

From: Thailand
Progressed to: Global Healthcare Management (Leadership) MSc
Year of study: 2023


Clover Zhang

From: China
Progressed to: Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc
Year of study: 2023


Zhiyi Zhou

From: China
Progressed to: Film Studies MA
Year of study: 2023

Sunless standing on top of the White Cliffs of Dover

Sunlex Lin

From: Taiwan
Progressed to: Finance MSc
Year of study: 2023

Jiafei standing by the River Thames with the Palace of Westminster in the background

Jiafei Liu

From: China
Progressed to: Architectural Design MArch
Year of study: 2023


Sihao Chen

From: China
Progressed to: Corporate Law LLM
Year of study: 2022

Photograph of Pamela by the Tower of London

Pamela Berenice Pijal Teran

From: Ecuador
Progressed to: Master of Laws LLM
Year of study: 2021

Photograph of Cagla

Cagla Erdas

From: Turkey
Progressed to: Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine MSc
Year of study: 2021

Qin Liu photograph

Qin Liu

From: China
Progressed to: Infancy & Early Childhood Development MSc
Year of study: 2021

Eita ice skating in London

Eita Kunieda

From: Japan
Progressed to: UCL Management MSc
Year of study: 2021

Lorena former UCL Pre-sessional English student profile pic

Lorena Espinosa Olguín

From: Chile
Progressed to: UCL Human Rights Law LLM
Year of study: 2020

Chiaki former Pre-sessional student with an owl

Chiaki Kawachimaru

From: Japan
Progressed to: UCL International Banking and Finance LLM
Year of study: 2020