
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Modules: sample Reading+Writing examination papers

Sample Reading+Writing examination papers for April-May 2021

Full information about the format of the April-May 2021 Reading and Writing Examinations is in the CLIE Language Modules Student Handbook (pp 33-36).

Below are some sample papers to give an indication of the type of text you can expect in the actual papers, with a Respond to the text task (levels 1-2) and the Reading/Writing task (all levels). Note that the actual papers will also contain a Reflective task which is NOT included in these samples.

The actual points for the different tasks for different levels are:

Levels 1-2:

  • Respond to text task (30 points)
  • Reading/Writing task (40 points)
  • Reflective task (30 points)

Level 3: 

  • Reading/Writing task (70 points)
  • Reflective task (30 points)

Levels 4-7: 

  • Reading/Writing task (60 points)
  • Reflective task (40 points)

Sample papers