Prerequisite for entry
Successful completion of level 4.
Term duration
10 x 2-hour classes.
Aims and objectives
The aim of the course is to enable students to communicate in a wide range of daily situations and understand Japanese in many practical issues. Students will be given a wide range of topics to discuss in the classroom. A large volume of written texts will be used after their abilities of reading and writing are further developed. Cultural awareness and knowledge of Japanese life style will be further developed during the course.
- Asking something that is difficult to ask
- Showing gratitude or goodwill
- Finding a solution after asking meanings of words
- Explaining situations and giving apologies
- Leaving or receiving a message
- Asking a direction
- Obtaining permission to do something
Course content
Main topics/themes to be covered:
- Japanese house
- Words from outside Japan (外来語)
- Analysis of a questionnaire
- Maps
Linguistic structures/ Phonetics
Sophisticated rules of the pronunciation of Spoken Japanese.
- てForm+もらえませんか、いただけませんか
- Nの+ようだ、Nの+ようなN、NのようにV
- V(Dic)+こと+は・が・を
- ~たら、~た
- ~ということは~のことだ、~というのは….ということだ
- ….ように言う、注意する、伝える、頼む
- ~みたいだ、~みたいな~、~みたいに…
- ~(さ)せてもらえませんか、~(さ)せていただけませんか
- …ことにする
- …ことにしている
- …ことになる、ことになっている
- S(Plain Form)+ということだ
- …の、…の?
- ~ちゃう、~とく、~てる
- ~(さ)せられる、~させる
- ~である(であるStyle)
- あ~、そ~(contextual demonstrative noun)
- そ~(contextual demonstrative pronoun: written)
- ~んじゃない?
- ~たところに/で
- …て…、…って…(quoting)
- ~って…(topic)
- ~つもりはない(negative intention)
- 漢字(かんじ)
Learning resources
- Course book: Minna no Nihongo (Chukyu:Intermediate Level 1) (Lesson 1 – Lesson 6) published by 3A Corporation
- Other material: Minna no Nihongo Translation & Grammatical Notes (Chukyu:Intermediate Level 1) (Lesson 1 – Lesson 6) published by 3A Corporation
- Intermediate Kanji Book (Kanji 1000 plus) Published by Bonjinsha Co.,Ltd
Useful websites
In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the Self-Access Centre.