21 June 2017
Headline Data
CLIE had a high 'employee engagement score', matching the UCL score of 72%.
Staff felt most positive about how their work contributes to CLIE's objectives (91%) and to the success of UCL (82%); with the degree of flexibility they have in terms of deciding how they carry out their work (91%); and with the support available from their line-manager (83%). Staff were also very positive about the way in which UCL respects individual differences (87%) and feel that they are treated with fairness and respect at work (81%).
Staff responses also highlighted some significant improvements since the last survey in the areas of appropriate recognition of good performance (+35) and levels of support offered by managers during times of change (+16).
The overall response rate was 58%; the aim is to increase this to 70% for the next staff survey.
Areas to work on and improve include internal communications within CLIE, engagement with the UCL appraisal process for all staff and enhancing the workplace experience of CLIE staff.
Issue | Initiative / task | Desired outcome | Timescale | Responsibility |
1. Communicating our message: engaging staff through improved internal two-way communications |
Instigate a termly CLIE Newsletter for all staff - to include:
Invite comments and feedback from staff - responses to be included in the following Newsletter
Organise an annual all-staff meeting to include an overview of key areas of focus for the year ahead. Time for staff Q&A
Improved levels of two-way communication between management and CLIE staff
Improved staff awareness and understanding of i) key UCL strategies and initiatives ii) CLIE's mission and portfolio of courses to support the GES, and iii) specific challenges facing UCL and CLIE
Staff have a better understanding of how they can contribute Staff identify more closely with CLIE and UCL
Improved team working
Measure: A 10% improvement in the next staff survey on questions relating to this theme. |
November 2017 |
CLIE Director; CLIE Business and Development Manager; all CLIE SMT staff |
2. Valuing our staff: supporting staff through more frequent feedback, more regular appraisal meetings |
Enhance access to training for appraisers and appraisees
Review appraisal scheme and guidance to ensure personal and career development needs are discussed with staff and to ensure appropriate objectives are set for the year ahead
Agree specific appraisal scheme with HR for those Evening Course staff on fractional contracts (ie potentially two/four hours per week over one term)
CLIE SMT to develop an action plan and agree appraisal scheme schedule for the following academic year |
Improved appraisal guidance and training - UCL and CLIE.
Improved appraisal scheme and higher levels of staff satisfaction.
Inclusion of staff on fractional contracts into the appraisal scheme
Measure: appraisal feedback is positive and staff are provided with the tools to develop. |
Within 12 - 24 months (for annual and bi-annual appraisals)
CLIE Director; CLIE International Academic Services Coordinator; all CLIE SMT staff ; working with HR and OD |
3. Using our resources effectively: enhancing the workplace experience of staff |
Review terms of reference of CLIE's Health & Safety and Resources Committee. Include representatives from all areas of the CLIE operation; organise termly meetings; share communications about UCL's environmental sustainability initiatives; circulate information and action points via the CLIE Newsletter
Provide an online link via the Newsletter for 'comments and suggestions' to encourage more staff engagement with developing solutions
Encourage members of staff to act as 'Green Champions' for CLIE
Staff feel more ownership of their immediate working environment and understand how they can make a positive contribution
Improved levels of staff engagement with issues that impact CLIE's working environment
Measure: A 10% improvement in the next staff survey on questions relating to this theme. |
November 2017 |
CLIE Director and CLIE Operations Manager; working with Estates |