Supplementary materials for Neil Bramley's doctoral thesis
Constructing the world: Active causal learning in cognition

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Demos of experiments

Experiment 1: Learning structure by intervention here

Experiment 2: Information button and summary here

Experiment 4: Learning larger causal models here

Experiment 5: Learning with unknown strengths here

Experiment 6: One-shot inferences here

Experiment 7: Integrating evidence here

Experiment 8: Learning from timing variability alone here (short version here here)

Experiment 9: Intervening in time here

Experiment 10: Intervening in space and time here

Additional materials

Experiments 1,2, 4 and 5: Data here

Experiments 4 and 5: Additional results and figures here

Experiment 5: Free response coding materials here

Experiments 6,7 and 8: Data here

Experiment 9: "Humean playground", set up and try out your own continuous time causal learning problems here

Experiment 10: Additional replays code and demos here