Materials Chemistry

@ The Kathleen Lonsdale Building

Webmaster: Dr Scott Woodley


Dr Matthew Wakins

Moved to: Physics Department of UCL (April 09)

New Email: Matthew.Watkins (still at)

Old Room: 355

Old Email: Matthew.Watkins

First Degree obtained from University of Oxford
Second Degree obtained from King's College London

Number of publications after leaving us: 12

Publications in 2010

1. Title: Point defects at the ice (0001) surface
Author(s): Watkins, M; VandeVondele, J; Slater, B
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume: 107 Issue: 28 Pages: 12429-12434 Published: 2010

Publications in 2009

1. Title: Construction of nano- and microporous frameworks from octahedral bubble clusters
Author(s): Woodley, SM; Watkins, MB; Sokol, AA, et al.
Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 11 Issue: 17 Pages: 3176-3185 Published: 2009

2. Title: Bubbles and microporous frameworks of silicon carbide
Author(s): Watkins, MB; Shevlin, SA; Sokol, AA, et al.
Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 11 Issue: 17 Pages: 3186-3200 Published: 2009