Materials Chemistry@ The Kathleen Lonsdale Building |
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Dr Andrew J LogsdailRoom: 351 Internal telephone number: 30312 External telephone number: 02076790312 Email: A.Logsdail First Degree (BSc) obtained from Birmingham University Second Degree (MRes)obtained from Birmingham University Third Degree (Phd) obtained Birmingham University Number of publications pre-2012: 3* h-index: 1* (*sourced from Web of Knowledge) |
Publications in 2013 Title: Band alignment of rutile and anatase TiO2 Author(s): Scanlon, David O.; Dunnill, Charles W.; Buckeridge, John; et al. Source: NATURE MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Pages: 798-801 DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3697 Published: SEP 2013 2. Title: A Selective Blocking Method To Control the Overgrowth of Pt on Au Nanorods Author(s): Fennell, John; He, Dongsheng; Tanyi, Anicetus Muche; et al. Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 135 Issue: 17 Pages: 6554-6561 DOI: 10.1021/ja4003475 Published: MAY 1 2013 3. Title: Faceting preferences for Au-N and Pd-N nanoclusters with high-symmetry motifs Author(s): Logsdail, Andrew J.; Li, Z. Y.; Johnston, Roy L. Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 21 Pages: 8392-8400 DOI: 10.1039/c3cp50978h Published: 2013 Publications in 2012 1. Title: Development and optimization of a novel genetic algorithm for identifying nanoclusters from scanning transmission electron microscopy images Author(s): Logsdail Andrew J.; Li Z. Y.; Johnston Roy L. Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 33 Issue: 4 Pages: 391-400 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.21976 Published: FEB 5 2012 2. Title: Dopant-induced 2D-3D transition in small Au-containing clusters: DFT-global optimisation of 8-atom Au-Ag nanoalloys Author(s): Heiles Sven; Logsdail Andrew J.; Schaefer Rolf; et al. Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109-1115 DOI: 10.1039/c1nr11053e Published: 2012 |