Materials Chemistry

@ The Kathleen Lonsdale Building

Webmaster: Dr Scott Woodley


Dr Boutheina Kerkeni

Moved to: University of Tunis (Summer 2009)

New Email: b.kerkrni (still at)

Old Room: 355

Old Email: B.Kerkeni

First Degree obtained from Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie)
Second Degree obtained from Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie)
Third Degree obtained from Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie)

Number of publications before leaving: 20*
(*sourced from Web of Knowledge)

Publications in 2011

1. Title: Dehydrogenation mechanisms and thermodynamics of MNH2BH3 (M = Li, Na) metal amidoboranes as predicted from first principles
Author(s): Shevlin, SA; Kerkeni, B; Guo, ZX
Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 13 Issue: 17 Pages: 7649-7659 Published: 2011

Publications in 2008

1. Title: Multiple-timescale photoreactivity of a model compound related to the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase
Author(s): Ridley, AR; Stewart, AI; Adamczyk, K, et al.
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 17 Pages: 7453-7455 Published: 2008