PhD Candidate October 2020 to present
Research in the Role of Domestic Courts in Consociational Systems of Power-Sharing.

Sophia joined the Judicial Institute as a PhD Candidate in October 2020 under the supervision of Professor Cheryl Thomas. Her research focuses on the role of domestic courts in consociational systems of power-sharing and involves data collection through interviewing in Northern Ireland and Lebanon. Sophia’s research is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Prior to joining UCL, Sophia was a research fellow at Birzeit University in the Palestinian Territories and supported ‘Sama Women's Health’ NGO with research on compensation mechanisms in clinical trials.
Sophia also worked for the German federal civil service. Other professional experience includes internships with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin, the Legal Service of the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, and the European Parliament in Brussels.