"About UCL", "administration" => "Administration, Services & Facilities", "a-z" => "A to Z", "businesses" => "Information for Businesses", "current-students" => "Information for Current Students", "departments" => "Information about Departments", "former-students" => "Information for Former Students", "friends" => "Information for Friends & Benefactors", "intranet" => "Intranet", "local-community" => "Information about UCL & the Local Community", "media" => "Information for the Media", "programmes" => "Information about Programmes of Study", "proposedmerger" => "Proposed Merger", "prospective-students" => "Information for Prospective Students", "research" => "Information about Research", "staff" => "Information for Staff", "WebForum" => "WebForum", //other levels "admin" => "List of Administration, Services and Divisions", "academic-departments" => "List of Academic Departments by Faculty", "admission" => "How to Apply", "affiliated-organisations" => "List of UCL Affiliated Organisations", "bentham" => "Jeremy Bentham", "camden" => "UCL and Camden", "cert" => "CERT Contacts", "contact-details" => "Departmental Contact Details", "chairs" => "Chairs & Readerships", "code" => "Code of Practice", "commercial" => "List of Commercial Organisations", "contacts" => "Contact Us", "courses" => "Course Booklets", "data-protection" => "Data Protection Policy", "department-location" => "Location Map of Departments", "directory" => "Staff Phone & Email Directory", "disabled-students" => "Students with Disabilities", "europe" => "UCL and Europe", "facts" => "Intereresting Facts", "faqs" => "Frequently Asked Questons", "finance" => "Fees & Financial Assistance", "financial-hardship" => "Financial Hardship", "for-ucl" => "For UCL", "from-ucl" => "From UCL", "gap-year" => "Taking a Gap Year", "graduate-tutors" => "Faculty Graduate Tutors", "health" => "List of Health Related Organisations", "he-fairs" => "Higher Education Fairs", "helping-students" => "Helping Current Students", "history" => "History of UCL", "in-touch" => "Keeping In Touch", "international-students" => "International Information", "introducing-ucl" => "Introduction to UCL", "latest" => "Item", "landt" => "Learning & Teaching Strategy", "location" => "Location of UCL", "london" => "UCL and London", "london-life" => "Living & Studying in London", "making-applications" => "How to Apply", "media-relations" => "Media Relations Office", "newsletter" => "UCL Newsletter", "news-items" => "Item", "non-discrim-lang" => "Guide to Non-Discriminatory Language", "nursery" => "Nursery Informatio and Regulations", "open-events" => "Events Open to the Public", "provost" => "Message from the Provost", "priv" => "Privacy", "public-transport" => "Reaching UCL by Public Transport", "publications" => "Publications", "rae-2001" => "RAE 2001", "rae-qaa" => "Departmental RAE & QAA Ratings", "sports" => "Sports & Social Actvities", "selection" => "Selection Procedure", "staff-focused" => "List of Staff Focused Services", "student-focused" => "List of Student Focused Services", "study-abroad" => "Study Abroad Opportunities", "support" => "Support & Advice", "supporting-ucl" => "Supporting UCL Financially", "topic-areas" => "Research by Topic Areas", "uol" => "UCL & The University of London", "ucl-experts" => "UCL Experts", "ucl-profile" => "UCL Profile", "welfare" => "Welfare & Support", "wp-statement" => "Widening Participation Initial Statement", "why-give" => "Why Give to UCL?", "why-UCL" => "Why UCL?", "UCL-at-a-glance" => "UCL at a Glance", "ucl-bloomsbury" => "UCL Bloomsbury", "ucl-communications" => "UCL Communications", "2002-03" => "2002-03", "2003-04" => "2003-04", 'is' => 'Information Systems', 'fiso' => 'FISO', 'lifesciences-faculty' => 'Life Sciences Faculty', 'lifesciences' => 'Life Sciences' ); $divider = ' ›› '; // Here we take the URL requested (making sure to ignore the GET variables) and split it according to subdirectories $noget = explode('?',$REQUEST_URI,2); $subdirs = explode('/',$noget[0]); // Remove the blanks from the array /* if($subdirs[sizeof($subdirs)-1]=='') */ array_pop($subdirs); array_shift($subdirs); // Pop the last one off the end - it doesn't need to be made a link $lastone = array_pop($subdirs); function dirrename($name) // Function to reformat directory names prettily { global $names; if($names[$name]) return $names[$name]; return ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('-',' ',$name))); } // And now we can start writing the breadcrumb trail! echo 'UCL Online'; // For each in the list add a crumb... foreach($subdirs as $i=>$v) { echo $divider . '' . dirrename(trim($v)) . "\n"; } // ...and the final unlinked crumb. echo $divider . dirrename($lastone); ?>