
Joint Research Office


Improve your research by running study participant survey

29 September 2022

The Research Directorate is encouraging all research teams to take part in the NIHR’s Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES).

PRES is a survey of the experiences of people who have taken part in research. It runs year-round and study teams can join at any time.

The survey is a chance to gather patient feedback.

It is also a chance for teams to show that their study participants have a positive experience. Feedback through the study last year revealed that:

  • 9 out of 10 participants at UCLH said they would consider taking part in research again
  • 98% said they were treated with courtesy and respect by staff
  • 92% felt that researchers valued their participation

 NIHR uses the results of the survey to improve what it does to support the delivery of research and ensure patients have the best possible experience.

To take part in PRES for your study, contact ppie.crnnorththames@nihr.ac.uk.