UCLH part of HRA pilot to streamline research applications
11 February 2022
UCLH is taking part in an HRA pilot aimed at streamlining the management of research applications that involve the use of identifiable patient data without patient consent.
The HRA pilot will involve aligning Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) and Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval pathways.
The pilot bringing CAG and REC pathways together is aimed at speeding up application processing while reducing the burden of administration on research offices who until now have had to submit two separate applications to the HRA.
For the pilot the HRA are are looking for applications which:
- require an application to a full meeting of the CAG
- have yet to submit to either REC or CAG
- are planning to submit between 1 March 2022 and 31 August 2022
The following types of applications are currently excluded from the pilot:
- CTIMPs and Medical Device applications
- Non-research applications
- Applications proceeding through the CAG proportionate review process
- Applications for which CAG is only required for a part of the application (e.g. where the application has multiple work packages of which CAG is one part).
If you would like your project to be considered for the pilot, please contact: pushpsen.joshi1@nhs.net