
Joint Research Office


Funding for AI research studentships available

8 July 2020

The UCL Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in AI-enabled Healthcare Systems is offering two BRC-funded MRes/PhD studentships from 2020-2024.

The UCL Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in AI-enabled Healthcare Systems is offering two BRC-funded MRes/PhD studentships from 2020-2024, and researchers can now submit proposals for student projects which apply artificial intelligence (AI) to improve healthcare, and apply to supervise projects.

Researchers should send a completed project form[LINK] and supervisor form[LINK] to aihealthcdt@ucl.ac.uk by Friday 14 August.

CDT students will be recruited in September 2020 for 4 years. Proposals should work initially as a 1-year MRes project but should be something the student could pursue for a PhD in the following 3 years.

Students should be able to complete their MRes project and write a 15,000 word thesis in months 6-12 of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Researchers proposing projects and applying to be supervisors should either have a track record of research in AI, or outline why they would be able to supervise an AI project.

The CDT aims to provide students with at least 1 AI and 1 healthcare supervisor. If researchers have a project proposal but need help to set up a supervisory team with the necessary expertise, they can attend a supervisory team pairing event on 7 July. Those who would like to attend should email aihealthcdt@ucl.ac.uk.

The timeline for the studentships is below.

  • 14 August 2020 – Deadline to submit forms
  • 15 October – CDT Sandpit takes place, where supervisors present their projects to new research students
  • October-November – Students choose their projects and chosen supervisors submit their brief preliminary MReS/PhD proposal
  • September 2021 – MRes project due date
  • October 2021 – Three year PhD project begins