BRC offers advice on PPI in the era of Covid-19
9 April 2020
The BRC has put together top tips for carrying out patient and public involvement activities while social distancing measures are in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Guidance includes how to run video conferencing via Skype and Zoom to ensure lively and productive discussion – and how to make sure patient and public panel members are able to use this technology.
The BRC’s patient and public involvement team can offer funding, advice and tutorials around how to carry out remote PPI, including running video conferences. And the BRC bursary panel has set aside money for researchers who need help with remote PPI costs. Contact for support or to apply for a grant. The team remains on hand remotely for general PPI advice and support.
The BRC has a network of patients who are happy to input into research remotely – so PPI activities do not have to stop.If researchers do plan on pausing PPI activities, the BRC advises that you contact anyone involved to let them know.