
Joint Research Office


Improve your research by taking part in national study participant survey

26 July 2019

The Joint Research Office is encouraging UCLH research teams to take part in the NIHR’s Patient Research Experience Survey (PRES), an annual survey of the experiences of people who have taken part in a study.

The survey is a chance to contribute to an important national effort to gather patient feedback. NIHR uses the results of the annual survey to improve what it does to support the delivery of research and ensure patients have the best possible experience.

It is also a chance for teams to show that their study participants have a positive experience. Last year 90% of all survey participants said they had a good experience of taking part in research, and in UCLH teams this figure was up to 98%

The 2019 survey will take place from 15 September to 20 December. Each study team taking part would nominate a team lead to co-ordinate the patient survey within their team, and to attend a September launch meeting alongside other team leads in the NIHR North Thames Region.

If your team is interested in taking part in the survey, please e-mail m.chorley@ucl.ac.uk in the first instance.