
Joint Research Office


Hundreds celebrate research at massive UCLH open day

9 July 2019

Over 600 people have visited UCLH’s sixth annual event celebrating medical research and innovation.

Researchers and hospital staff took over 3 floors of University College Hospital at the Celebrating Research Open Day to showcase the latest research at UCLH/UCL in areas including cancer, dementia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, oral health, women’s health and data science.

At the 51 interactive stalls, patients and members of the public found out about CAR T-cell therapy, a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment being developed at UCLH and the topic of a recent BBC2 documentary; had their blood pressure, hand hygiene and hearing testing; and were offered the chance to administer ‘radioactive treatment’ (represented by dyed liquid at the event).

Attendees were also offered tours of the hospital, including visits to the medical physics and bioengineering department, therapy and rehab facilities and the UCH co-ordination centre.

And children from 3 local schools toured UCLH’s Clinical Simulation Centre where they tried their hand at laparoscopy (keyhole surgery), and saw sports and exercise equipment used to analyse sports stars and everyday patients at the UCLH Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health. 

The open day – held each year and designed to get the community interested and involved in UCLH’s work and research – coincided with the public launch of Find a Study, UCLH’s new clinical trials database designed to increase participation in, and awareness of, research at UCLH.

Feedback showed the event was a hit with visitors. 98% of people who completed a feedback form said they ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ when asked if they enjoyed the day and when asked if they know more about research as a result of the event.

And 83% said they are now more likely to get involved in research.

Professor Bryan Williams, Director of Research at UCLH, said: “It’s great to see so many patients and members of the public come along to find out about the world-class research we’re doing at UCLH. It shows that people are interested in research, and interested in their health and finding treatments for all the various areas of disease and ill health we work in.

“What’s exciting is that a lot of the treatments being developed are home-grown – coming from advances in science at our partner university UCL, before being translated into world-leading treatments at UCLH.”

BBC Radio London covered the event on their Drivetime show on Thursday evening.

2019 Research Open Day in numbers

98% of people ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ when asked if they enjoyed the day and if they know more about research as a result of the event.

83% said they are now more likely to take part in research.

The day hosted 51 research stalls.

60 people went on 9 tours of the medical physics and bioengineering department, therapy and rehab facilities and the UCH co-ordination centre.

76 students from 3 schools attended 5 tours4 researchers gave talks to students.

74 people entered a prize draw to win an iPad Mini.